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Botanical Name
GREEN MANURE – Autumn, Winter

Feed your worms and soil with this splendid green manure mix. Inside this packet is enough seed to cover 15-20 m2.

This ‘Museli’ has the right combination of goodies to provide you with all the following benefits:
• To add nitrogen to the soil through the use of legumes (lupins, grey pea and tic beans).
• Stabalise your soil from winter rains with deep rooted species (oats and ryecorn).
• The mustard/brassica helps control nematodes in the soil. Compounds in the mustards help disrupt the nematodes reproductive cycle.
• Draws nutrients and trace elements up from the subsoil for later use (ie. by either Composting the plant matter or incorporating/digging it into the soil).
• Adds vital organic matter to the soil.
• Feeds the worms and soil and other helpful soil micro-organisms.
• Suppress weeds
As there is a large seed packet with extra weight a higher postage and handling rate is charged for this packet (Weight 260 grams). 1 Packet = $6.00.
Not to W.A