Vegetable Seeds Catalogue


Sds/g: 280-340                    Feed Requirements: Moderate (large, late) – High (small, spring)                          Usual Seed Life:3 years


Cultural Notes:

  • Cabbages grow beautifully in Tasmania. They grow best with sufficient soil moisture through the growing season, large fluctuations in moisture can cause the heads to split due to rapid growth. Cabbages are heavy feeders and prefer a between pH 6.5 - 7.0 for good yields. For early cabbages (e) plant out transplant or sow seed from mid-September, space smaller headed varieties with 50cm x 50cm centres or larger varieties with 60cm x60 cm centres. Main season cabbages can be planted from late October through to the end of December and late cabbage varieties from late December to mid-February (if using the quicker maturing varieties). The late varieties store well in the ground overwinter. As main and late season varieties are larger framed, with larger heads they should be planted out with 75 cm – 90 cm centres. Cabbages that are planted too close together will not head properly. Seed 3-5 seeds in each spot, 0.5cm – 1cm deep and thin to leave the healthiest.
  • Asian cabbage (eg. Wong Bok) are generally grown in the cooler months as they are fast growing and can run to seed easily with heat. The cool weather also makes them taste better.


  • As always keep on top of slugs, especially for early sowings as the weather is warming and there is plenty of moisture still around. Cabbage grubs need to be controlled with regular sprayings of Dipel.


  • Early varieties need to be harvested promptly as they mature fast. Late varieties will hold much longer in late summer and autumn as their growth rates drop. Younger heads that are green and still growing are the best storers.

Sowing periods

Cool Climate Periods
Aug 1st to Feb 27th
Temperate Climate Periods
Jan 1st to Dec 31st
Tropical & Sub-Tropical Climate Periods
Jan 1st to Dec 31st
Sold out
Botanical Name
Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

A popular heirloom with a dense, round head that grows to 2 - 2.5 kg at maturity. Great flavour and can be eaten cooked or raw in coleslaws. Early maturing. Perfect for smaller gardens due to its compact nature. 300 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

A dependable heirloom that has been grown since the 1920’s, it produces a tender, compact round head (12-18cm) with good flavour. Plant close (30 cm) for small cabbages (1 kg) or wider for bigger heads (up to 2 kg). Early maturing, sow late winter / early spring or late summer/early autumn. 400 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

An early red cabbage that is compact with solid, round 1-2 kg heads. A good looking and great tasting cabbage. Eat cooked or raw (add some colour to your coleslaw). 250 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

With round mid-sized heads this is the best mid-late red cabbage we have grown. The heads are dense and it keeps well once harvested. Can be grown for late summer or autumn harvest or if mild winters it will keep in the ground through winter to harvest when needed. Eat cooked or raw. 30 seeds.

Frost Resilience
Frost Hardy
Hot Arid
Sow Method
Direct or Transplant
1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

 A very popular mid-season green semi-savoy cabbage. The cabbage heads can get to 1 kg and are tight, tender and sweet. It is perfect eaten fresh in slaws, cooked or fermented for sauerkraut. It easily handles harsh winters and in more mild climates it can be sown spring through to summer. 70 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

A unique multi-harvest and winter hardy green cabbage. Slow bolting, while all its varietal buddies go to seed and get woody, Spring Hero holds until early summer. The medium ball heads are thin leaved, tender and sweet, so great for salads & slaw. To promote a 2nd harvest cut initial head, keep basal leaves attached to the stalk, keep 1 of the new shoots, which will form another head in about 6 weeks just as tasty & large. 20 seeds.

Frost Resilience
Frost Hardy
Germination Period (days)
Sow Method
Direct or Transplant
Sowing Instructions
Make two sowings; one mid-late February and another late Mar./early Apr. Sow indoors to transplant later or sow direct to garden. Cabbages require uniform moisture.
0.45 m
Row Space
0.45 m
1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

All the joy and flavour of a savoy cabbage is found in this small headed, high quality early variety. With tight small heads (0.9 - 2 kg) it is an ideal space saver. The outer leaves are deep blue/green are blanched yellow. Stores well through the winter in colder climates. 20 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
​​​​​​​Brassica oleracea (capitata group)

A super hardy, green savoy cabbage. The cabbage yields medium sized heads to 20 cm through the winter months. The wrinkled/savoyed leaves have a mild flavour that are great fresh in coleslaw, lightly cooked or fermented into a sauerkraut. 300 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica rapa (pekinensis grp)

An easy to grow green leafed, open head variety of Chinese cabbage with a creamy yellow blanched interior. It has a delicious sweet, tangy, juicy flavour that can be used in stir fries, steamed, pickled or raw. Can be sown over a long period. The best flavours and it is slower to bolt when grown through the cooler months. Heads will store up to 6 weeks in the fridge. 250 seeds.

Frost Resilience
Frost Hardy
60 Days
Fast germinating seeds
Germination Period (days)
Sow Method
Direct or Transplant
Sowing Instructions
Sow direct or in pots to transplant later. Early plantings may bolt if roots are disturbed or they are exposed to late frosts or a week of sub 10˚C nights. Harvest when heads are ready to prevent bolting.
Transplant Period
3 Weeks
40 cm
Row Space
60 cm